Business. from plantation to cup

from plantation to cup

Growing Region
Our coffee grows in high altitude equatorial regions, which are often difficult to access.

Green coffee beans are planted to create sedings with become coffee bushes, It taken about 3-4 years to produce coffee cherries.

Coffee beans can be processed in a number of differnt ways-washed, semi-washed and natural. each methid imparts a differnts taste characteristic on the bean.

The best roasters visit and work with farmers buiding relationships  than help develop better quality and sustenable coffee crop.

Coffee Cherry
Each coffee cherry contains two seeds that when processed became two coffee beans.

Blend, roast time and temperature are critical in determining coffee flavour.

Airtight bags with one way valve prevent roasted coffee from going stale.

Grind size, volume, water temperature, extraction time and brewing method all affect the final taste.